If I ever become a pirate, I’ll definitely get a monkey

Banana pirate

And it’s going to be small and stand on my shoulder and eat all the bananas. Truth be told, I searched the MP for an apple to give to the little guy, but hey, I’m not sorry I found the nice bananas. They go very well with the cutlass from Bunk, don’t you think? Speaking of which, you guys, I love Kittie’s creations so much! They are very well made (pretty, not too high in complexity, have nice textures), they come with A LOT of options, and last but not least they have a sense of humor, as in they make me at least smile if not outright laugh. Don’t believe me? Go to Gacha Guild’s Sailpunk, play at Bunk’s booth and win one of the funny bumpers: a cutlass, a saber or a dagger. Ever wanted to cut that pretty but annoying friend? Do you have a SL enemy that you need to scare a bit? Just bump into them and let your cutlass do the rest. Or your saber. Or your dagger. 😀

The Pirate’s Best Friend gacha has three rares: the metal HUDs for each of the weapons, and nine commons: the pastel, primary and vivid HUDs. Each weapon comes with four holding options: up or down for left and right hand. Each of them slays your enemies. Each of them can potentially be used to feed your monkey. Or parrot if you’re a traditionalist.

Cutlass: Bunk, Pirate’s Best Friend gacha at Gacha Guild’s Sailpunk event until the 31st of March
Head: Lelutka, Fleur 2.5
Body: Maitreya, Lara
Shape: Poupette, Mariska Kitten
Skin: Lara Hurley, Ari Pale
Hair: VCO hair, Luney 001 Rare at Kustom9 until the 10th of March
Eyes: Avi Glam, Essence Eyes 07 S
Scar: Hanz, Hask scar medium at Harajuku event until the 10th of March
Lashes: Mila, Whispy eyelashes
Dress: Belle Epoque, Anne black
Monkey: SEmotion Libellune, Little Monkey no. 6
Bananas: Mesh Place bananas
Hat: Purgatory, Tricorn Hat Brown Leather (15) at Gacha Guild’s Sailpunk until the 31st of March

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